In very simple cases, knitting can be done without tools, using only the fingers to do these tasks; however, knitting is usually carried out using tools such as knitting needles, knitting machines or rigid frames. Knitting is no longer only for grandmothers or just any mothers.
Knitters generally ensure that the yarn for a project comes from a single dye lot. After all, it is the experience of knitting that we are seeking, more so than the finished-object. Heathered yarns contain small amounts of fibre of different colours, while tweed yarns may have greater amounts of different coloured fibres.
The upper red course is purled into the row below and then is knit, consistent with garter stitch. As we know by lace knitting we can interlace Shawls. Depending on how the increase is done, there is often a hole in the fabric at the point of the increase.
While knitting patterns can offer suggestions for design and color ideas, it is ultimately up to the artist to decide what the final product what look like. You may also want to consider finding a local knitting group or meeting online others who share your hobby.
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