The process of knitting has three basic tasks: (1) the active (unsecured) stitches must be held so they don't drop; (2) these stitches must be released sometime after they are secured; and (3) new bights of yarn must be passed through the fabric, usually through active stitches, thus securing them. Originally, circular knitting was done using a set of four or five double-pointed knitting needles.
In spinning, the fibers are twisted so that the yarn resists breaking under tension; the twisting may be done in either direction, resulting in an Z-twist or S-twist yarn. Slip-stitch knitting plays an important role in mosaic knitting, an important technique in hand-knitting patterned fabrics; mosaic-knit fabrics tend to be stiffer than patterned fabrics produced by other methods such as Fair-Isle knitting. A tie is visible at the left; after untying, the hank may be wound into a ball or balls suitable for knitting.
Dpns are somewhat shorter (typically 7 inches) and are usually sold in sets of four or five. Dpns are somewhat shorter (typically 7 inches) and are usually sold in sets of four or five. The garter stitch is often referred to as plain knitting because every row is made by either a knit or a purl stitch.
Dpns are typically used for circular knitting, especially smaller tube-shaped pieces such as sleeves, collars, and socks; usually one needle is active while the others hold the remaining active stitches. This transformation may be done by hand, or with a device known as a ballwinder.
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