Wednesday, December 10, 2008

knit christmas stockings

Knitting is the oldest craft among all the crafts. Learning how to knit is easy today with so many online resources.

If it's not one thing, it's the other; and every-day life can be tough. The two types of stitches have a different visual effect; the knit stitches look like "V"'s stacked vertically, whereas the purl stitches look like a wavy horizontal line across the fabric. Some yarns are dyed to be either variegated (changing color every few stitches in a random fashion) or self-striping (changing every few rows).

I read somewhere that if it's mild enough but effective enough for my hair it must be good enough for my knitting. I learned a lot from a great book I discovered a while back. Knitting is an art from ancient times.

Get knitting! But, that's the essence of knitting.

free easy knit patterns - what you need to know free easy knit shrug pattern - basic Knitting free pattern + scarf + horse + knit fundamentals

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